Monday, February 25, 2008

Good Quote

"Europe and the US could turn out the lights today, and come 2030 or 2050 we would not have addressed the problem of climate change" Daniel Price, environmental and economics advisers to President Bush.

Though I believe the problem of global warming has to be addressed at home first to set an example, I do realize that no matter what we do we are tied to developing countries like India and China and they are going to impact the environment (good of bad) in a larger role than we are in the years to come.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rambo (4/4 stars) - The Best Rambo Yet :Rambo saves Burma

Girls beware, this is the ultimate guy movie. Not the guy movies that come out nowadays like "Transformers" but the traditional action-packed guy movies from the days of Steven Segal and well... Sylvester Stallone. The kind where the plot sucks but you can't turn it off because it is exciting to watch. Blood oozing, limbs flying, heads exploding awesomeness.

Rambo is not exactly known for its dialog, in depth plot or acting, which is why I love this movie. It didn't try to be something it is not. Stallone simple got huge (off of Human Growth Hormones) and kicked some ass.

Film critics will probably shoot holes in all the movie's flaws and the lack of dept, maybe the crappy acting, but to them I ask this "Would you say that to Rambo's face?"

I give this movie 4 stars because I do not want Rambo knocking down my door.

Check out the Rambo Movie Trailer

Sublime (3.5/4 stars)

I just stumbled across this movie at blockbuster, I didn't expect much, yet was very surprised at how good it was. Thomas Cavanagh who played 'George Grieves' was really good and the director Tony Krantz kept the mood creepy throughout. I actually felt sick to my stomach thinking about what George was going though and how helpless I would feel. Shanna Collins, who played the nurse Chloe, was also very good and convincingly had me intrigued.

Overall, I woudn't consider this a horror but more of a thriller. There were no scares and cheap thrills but instead a whole bunch of events that added to a sad mood that collectively made me cringe. This type of story has the ability to make a person question what is real and what isn't. More importantly this movie makes the horror stories that you hear on 60 minutes a reality.

This movie will stick with you a long time, 3.5 stars for a thrilling ride and a great ending.

Check out the Sublime Movie Trailer