Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Search engines are frauds

Search engines are supposed to give their users the best matching results, right? Wrong! Most search engines nowadays give results only to the highest bidder. This makes starting a new website and getting traffic very difficult. This was never more apparent to me than right now.

I manage a site that was in the top 10 of yahoo for 5 of its keywords which we thought was great. We recently decided to stop advertising with Yahoo marketing and just let the search results take care of it. The week after this happened we were no longer in the top 10, top 100 or even top 1000 for those search words. We have now vanished from Yahoo’s radar as if we never existed. All this for not paying money to advertise with them.

Other search engines, such as Ask.com and Fetch.com use the advertised links from other search engines as part of their actual results. So you may end up clicking on an advertised link instead of real results without even knowing it. Google does a pretty good job keeping things fairly even except for the fact they put too much emphasis on website’s ages. So you may never get into the top 10 with a new site even if your content matches the search the best because of websites that have been around for 5 or even 10 years. This proposes a problem for users and web designers alike.

It is clear that a new system of search engines is needed.


Midwest Post said...

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. It's a game, but at least you can't pay to be number one yet for organic searches.

Midwest Post said...

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. It's a game, but at least you can't pay to be number one yet for organic searches.