Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shameful self promotion

People use some pretty extreme ways to promote themselves and their businesses and make money. From selling the rights to their babies name, appearing in porn movies, making tee-shirts, and being a d-bag (Dustin Diamond is a tool), tattoos, and even a man getting breast implants.

Yes, money drives everything. Subsequently the man who got breast implants decided to keep them after the bet was over. Kinda odd, but whatever floats your boat.

But one of the things that frustrates me the most is spam. Who really reads emails named: "I have kidnapped your baby child" and wants you to visit a site for the pictures? Or anything having the word Viagra in it? Are people still dumb enough to be opening them to the point where it is worth the effort to make these emails and try to come up with ways of avoiding spam filters? Even if someone opens it, that doesn't mean they will click on a link. I have a hard time thinking that all of these people are there for malicious non-monitary means. So how are they all making money off of this? What dumb people are still out there sharing their credit card numbers with strange sites that tell them they will an Ipod if they give their bank account information?

That is my rant. Here is my shameful plug for my sites :P

small business contact manager

FilmCrave's New Movie Forum

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