Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When a good site turns to crap

I am sad to say that sometime a good site gets greedy and turns into crap. This often happens with smaller sites where they place way more advertisements and pop-ups than they should to pay the bills. Other sites that don't plan on your repeat business do this a lot as well.

One site that doesn't need to do this, but they insist on doing it is They have oversized ads on every page, they break their articles up into obscene amounts of pages to increase page loads and they have interstitial ads all the time. Interstitial ad are the annoying ones that say "to skip this ad click here". Usually if a site uses these type of ads they limit them to one view per day, but I just saw 4 of them on in a matter of a minute!

It is bad enough that to see the top 100 women I have to click 100 times, but when you have a 4 paragraph article and you spread it out over two pages that is where I draw the line. Askmen is the worst site I have ever been on when it comes to this behavior.

To make things worse, they have almost impenitrable content. On a single page in the "Dating & Sex" section there were links to over 90 articles seperated in 15 different areas on the site. What the f#$k. Who designed this crap.

I am glad that not every website is this bad and this greedy.

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