Friday, December 12, 2008

X Files: I Want to Believe Review (2.5/4 stars)

I love X-files and although I wasn't expecting much I was hoping for something more supernatural. Instead they pulled out a sci-fi/thriller that didn't have any unresolved mysteries in it. Sure there was a psychic, but that is not X-files worthy. I was hoping for more than a mad scientist plot.

However, I realize that much of my disappointment was due to the fact I wanted and X-files movie like the episodes or like the first one. As a regular movie was pretty good and I enjoyed it. I liked seeing Mulder and Scully back in action, even though Scully was boring. I was surprised that Mulder sister is still talked about, I thought that plot was beat to death and was hoping at least in the movie it would be done.

More X-Files: I want to believe Reviews

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Website Design - Target your Market

These days there are lots of different website designs you can choose. The most important thing to keep in mind is what is appropriate for the market you are advertising to. For instance, a website like College Humor may be able to get by with lots of video, file sizes that are enormous and flash that may slow down the navigation of the website. It is simply because the people viewing the site are not nessisarily trying to get to information. They are trying to be entertained and enetertainment comes in all forms.

However, for a small business this could be a bad thing. People want to find information about your company and find it fast. They may not be willing to wait for a flash animation to load and don't want to dig for the information they want.

Take Roy E. Daly, they are a real estate company that has apartments and townhomes in California. Canyonwoods apartments, Pinewood apartments, Tustin Plaza apartments and Sunridge pines townhomes.Their customers want to find floorplans, contact information, apartment ammenities and photos of the properties. It is clean and streightforward which is what it should be.

So when choosing a website design, ask yourself what your customers would like to see first.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let Me Show You What I Want for Christmas

Wish your mom knew what you wanted for Christmas? FilmCrave’s new movie wish list feature does just that. Users can easily add movies to their wish list and email it to their mom or anyone else, and voila! She now knows what DVDs you want for the holidays.

The email you send contains links to your personal movie list page. From there they can view your wish list and see changes as you make them. The best part is, each movie on your wish list links to Amazon, making purchasing movies a breeze.

Don’t remember your mom’s email? No way, you’re not that bad of a person! But in case you are, the innovative masterminds that created FilmCrave have made importing your address book easy. When you’re ready to email your list, simply hook up your Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or MSN contacts into FilmCrave through the address importer. Go ahead. Send it to everyone on your list and make sure you get every DVD, twice.

This feature isn’t only for the holidays though. Users can send any number of movie lists and reviews to their friends and family. This enables users to instantly share the movie review they just wrote or the movie list they just created.

For those underprivileged soles who haven’t had the pleasure of using FilmCrave: FilmCrave is the only movie social network that fully integrates user interaction with movie reviews, intuitive movie lists, trailers, DVDs and the most innovative movie forum on the planet. FilmCrave is the authority in movie list creation. Because of their comprehensive formula, they’re able to offer compiled “top movie lists” that are based not only on overall member ratings but member created movie lists as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bailout of the Detroit Giants

If you have read my previous post you would see that I oppose bailouts. However this bailout is slightly different to me. This bailout is not 100% because of mismanagement or shady behavior, in many aspects this is because of the credit giants screw ups. If GM could get the credit they need they may be able to sell more cars resulting in more profit. Would that solve all their problems? Not exactly, they still would have faltered because of high gas prices, model lines that are spread too thin and the fact they sold the majority share in their own credit company a few years back.

GM's overseas divisions are also a joke, they have... Opel? Is that it. I guess if you count Hummer as a foreign brand because so many of them are used by our military to invade other countries then they have two. Clearly, they have screwed up time and time again when it came to world wide support.

Now onto Ford. Ford is in a much better spot. They own their own credit company, so no problems offering credit to qualified buyers. They have very strong overseas brands, also they have a lot of collateral they can sell and have sold. Collateral like shares of Mazda, Jaguar and Landrover. They have been selling these off and have amassed enough money to survive a year at the current rate they are blowing through it. This means that if they can improve sales slightly in the next year they can get back on their feet just in time to see the economy grow again. Hooray!

So the big question is: Do we give them 25 million of the 700 million that already being spent? I think that giving money to GM is just going to prolong the enevitable. They should stop making Buick, Pontiac and Dodge and make Chevy and GMC their only two brands. Reduce thier dealers to 1500 to match Toyota (currently GM has 7000 dealers!). This will make them stronger, only if they agree to downsize should they be given money. If they are determined to hemmorage as much money as they are they will fail with or without our help.

Ford is going to likley be able to survive and lending them money may be a safer bet, it may also speed up their recovery. So I am not against helping them get back on their feet. They have proven they can manage their business and it is more the economy that is hurting them.

I have deliberately left out Chrystler. I think they are irrelevant in the scheme of things.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wasting Money on What?

Alright, now the election is over and smoke has cleared, I ask myself "How much money did we spend and for what?"

The WSJ reports that this election for the White House (not including congress and senate) cost "about $1.6 billion; double the presidential race four years ago." 1.6 BILLION!!

Was the difference between Obama and McCain really worth that much money. If you look at McCain's previous record one would say that the two of them believed in most of the same things. The only area they differed was how to achieve these things. Now, don't get me wrong there are some fundamental differences to them but what would have happened if they spent that money somewhere else.

For instance:

140 million could feed 4 million people in Zimbabwe for a month. 1.6 Billion could probably feed them well for a year.

We could have used that to save 16,000 people's homes from being forclosed.

We could have even used that to send rabies vacinations to poor countries and saved 50,000 lives. (yes, somehow people still die from rabies -- odd huh).

My point it, the money spent on an election is a waste. I realize there is no true way to stop the spending, even finance reform won't curb the spending by private parties, but someday one candidate should say "Instead of givnig me the money to buy ads, I am going to use it for something good" and then that person will get my vote.

Oh yeah, the bailout is a joke too.

Top Horror Movies of All-Time

Here is my top 10 horror movies.

1) The Exorcist
2) Alien
3) Event Horizon
4) Halloween
5) The Descent
6) The Shining
7) 28 Weeks later
8) Nightmare on Elm St.
9) Rosemary's Baby
10) The Thing

Check out FilmCrave's List:
Top Horror Movies

Friday, October 31, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth (2/4 stars)

A good kid's adventure movie but haven't we seen enough of Brendan Fraser playing the same character in every movie. I watched this on DVD in 3-d. The 3-d added a bit to the movie but there were scenes that served no purpose other than to add to the 3-d effects. I didn't care for that part of it. There was one point where I actually moved my head to avoid a flying object, but the rest of the movies 3-d effects were hardly that good.

The story was interesting enough, I never saw the original so I don't know how similar it is. But I would say this is a great movie for kids to watch and maybe could even become a classic like the Goonies or Never Ending Story for that age group.

See more Journey to the Center of the Earth reviews

Monday, October 27, 2008

Quarantine (1.5/4 stars) - Movie kinda sucked

Beware of this movie. I admit it, I like the idea of this movie but it just missed the mark for me. I think I may even be generous giving this movie 1.5 stars. First off, as a horror it is complete failure. At no points during this movie did I jump, get tense or feel any emotions for the characters lives. A horror should instill fear in the audience, this just made me want to smack Jennifer Carpenter to get her to shut up. Don't get me wrong, her acting wasn't bad; it was actually really good. But it was too much of a good thing and by the end I didn't want any more of her crying and shaking.

The first person camera angle thing that I loved in Cloverfield, I hated in this movie. The reason it worked in Cloverfield was because the dialog and characters kept it a little light-hearted even when times were going bad. In that movie, you could let off a chuckle at the dialog while you waited for the next event to take place. In Quarantine you just had to wait and try not to get bored.

Another thing that didn't work for this movie was the ending. They left it open with a lot of questions and no resolve. In fact, if you saw the trailer, you have already seen the entire ending. Seriously, WTF. There is no worse way of destroying a movie, than to show the audience the ending before they see the movie.

What worked with this movie was the flesh eating zombie scenes. They were pretty creepy in their own right, but because of the first person camera work they fell short.

My advice, wait until video for this one. Four of us went to the theatre to watch this, none of us ever want to see this one again.

More Quarantine Movie Reviews

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yellowpages Advertising

I have placed a lot of advertising orders through the years. Most of the time the sales people you deal with may be a little aggressive but not to the point where they annoy you. I have recently found the pushiest, yet most unresponsive, advertising company yet.

AT&T Yellowpages

I started dealing with them about 6 weeks ago. I was looking to purchase a print ad in the Kansas City edition as well as an online advertisement. For this I was working with two different ad reps. One for online and one for print (I later found out that the print ad rep was supposed to handle it all).

Online Ad Placement Experience

I was told it was going to take 4 - 6 weeks to get an online search ad up and running. This is horrible, everything else in the online world is nearly instantaneous. After filling out lots of forms, signing contracts and making several phone calls things appeared to be complete. 4 weeks went by. Then I started going through the chain of command to find out what was going on. Finally, one of them helped me out and got the ad up in 24 hours. Except it wasn't my ad. It was a crappy looking banner and listed under the wrong geographic area.

I then actually had quality control call me to ask how everything was going! I told them my troubles and I got a call from my ad rep within minutes. I was assured everything would be fixed. That is where it all stopped. It has been 3 days without her returning a call, email or sending me the form that she promised.

How can a place operate with such bad customer service! The worst part is this may be better than my print ad experience with them.

Print Ad Placement Experience

From the first time I called, I knew this was going to suck. The ad representative was pushy, full of sales cliches and wouldn't send me anything in writing. She called me EVERYDAY! "Josh, I just wanted to get an update..." What the hell, I told her I would call her with any updates.

I just wanted pricing. Instead I kept getting the run around and unclear answers about the cost. She wanted me to advertise in a special issue for extra money, I simply said "Mail me that issue and I will see what it looks like". The next week she calls back and asks for my order. I tell her I never received the issue. She was embarrassed and the next day I got a St. Louis phone book in the mail. The next day she called ask asked for my order. I explained that I live in Kansas City, not St. Louis and it wasn't the "special edition" that she was trying to sell me.

After finally having my calls screened so I wouldn't have to talk to this mega-pushy sales rep. I finally told her I wasn't going to spend my 11k dollars with her this year and told her not to call me. They should have my business, but instead because of how bad the experience was we opted not even to advertise with them.

I hope other people do not have this bad of an experience with them, but if they do I really hope you don't own AT&T stock because you cannot stay in business running this bad of an operation.

Hopefully, my online ad will get online someday :P

Friday, October 3, 2008

Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (1.5/4 stars)

This is a movie where I expected the worst and because of that I wasn't horribly disappointed. Don't get me wrong this movie isn't good, it just isn't utter trash either.

The writing and dialog was a very low point to this movie. I have a hard time believing that they couldn't do better. The story is based on a race of "psychlos". Give me a break, that is the dumbest name of all time. They kept saying stupid things like "We discovered a dog race, clearly this is the superior race on the planet" and calling the humans "man animals." Freaking retarded. Why would a race with this much technology and knowledge insist on being so dumb.

The acting was also bad, party because the dialog was horrible. John Travolta was terrible. Why does this alien race sound like a bunch of up tight Brits?

The only good qualities the movie had was the decent special effects and the idea behind the movie. I generally enjoyed watching it, I just couldn't fathom why they insisted on screwing it up. Like a bunch of hunters learning to fly fighter jets. Furthermore, the jets actually flew after being stuck in a hangar for 100 years. Why were the jets even there? Didn't an alien race attack us, why would we just get our asses kicked on foot when it is clear that a fighter jet can take down one of their crafts?

I also have a hard time believing that in two generations that we would forget how to write, our history, and what a city looks like when it is just a half-day walk away.

So was this movie good? No. Should you watch it? No. Will I watch it again? Unfortunately, if it is on tv it is the type of movie I would keep on. I am a glutton for punishment.

Check out other movie reviews.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Third party candidates are never given the chance

I am sick of the blatant exclusion of third party candidates in this country. It really angers me that candidates that get the necessary votes to appear on the ballets cannot manage to partake in the debates.

This is Freaking America! We are supposed to be the land of opportunity, instead we are shutting the doors on these people. Why? Because the Commission on Presidential Debates controls all three debates this year. And to make matters worse, they are run by the democratic and republican party.

Ralph Nader is currently running at 6% nationwide in the most recent CNN poll. This is no small feat considering he is not getting any stories in the news, not allowed to participate in debates and most polls do not even ask if he is one of the candidates. Yet he is going to be on the ballet in 45 states! Other candidates like Ron Paul could stand a chance to if they were just given a chance at this point in the race.

I hope that people feel that Nader spoiled the election for the democrats again. Maybe some of the dumb-asses that feel that if he wasn't there, they would win, should take a good hard look at what is going on. The democrats and republicans are loosing people to these third parties. People are no longer feeling like they shouldn't vote with their heart and mind. People should stand up and vote for whom ever they want without fear that they will "spoil" someone else's candidate.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I finally went skydiving yesterday. I went Static Line, which means you complete a course and go up by yourself and then a cord that is attached to the plane pulls your shoot for you upon exiting the plane. It was freaking awesome! I have never had such a rush. I only free-fell for about 5 seconds before the shoot came out but that was enough to make me realize how boring most of the things I do on a daily basis are.

I can now say that the exact moment where I realized that I did indeed have a parachute, was one moment I will never forget. It was a huge relief and all my worries disappeared in an instant. Then navigating down to the airport at 3k feet was fun as well. It wasn't just because you are gliding through the air, it was more of a sense of accomplishment when you realize you are doing something that most people talk about and will never do.

Now that I have done it once, I can definitely say I will do it again, hopefully enough so that I can get certified to go by myself at higher altitudes.

For anyone looking at possibly doing this, I would recommend it. It isn't nearly as scary as it seems. The adrenaline is huge. The reward is worth it. Besides, what else are you going to do?

FYI: You don't just jump out of the plane like I thought, you have to climb out on the wing and hold on at 80mph at 3500 feet! How fucking cool does that sound.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When a good site turns to crap

I am sad to say that sometime a good site gets greedy and turns into crap. This often happens with smaller sites where they place way more advertisements and pop-ups than they should to pay the bills. Other sites that don't plan on your repeat business do this a lot as well.

One site that doesn't need to do this, but they insist on doing it is They have oversized ads on every page, they break their articles up into obscene amounts of pages to increase page loads and they have interstitial ads all the time. Interstitial ad are the annoying ones that say "to skip this ad click here". Usually if a site uses these type of ads they limit them to one view per day, but I just saw 4 of them on in a matter of a minute!

It is bad enough that to see the top 100 women I have to click 100 times, but when you have a 4 paragraph article and you spread it out over two pages that is where I draw the line. Askmen is the worst site I have ever been on when it comes to this behavior.

To make things worse, they have almost impenitrable content. On a single page in the "Dating & Sex" section there were links to over 90 articles seperated in 15 different areas on the site. What the f#$k. Who designed this crap.

I am glad that not every website is this bad and this greedy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Unreasonable man (2.5/4 stars)

It isn't the most exciting or creatively done documentary, but pretty interesting if you are into American politics from the last 40 years. I only knew the Nader from the year 2000 on, and aside from reading about his accomplishments I never knew how mainstream he was. I had no idea that he was one of the most influential people in politics in the 70's and was on the cover of almost all major magazines at one point. It made me wish we had a fresh advocate like him for my generation. We have plenty of advocates, but none that are selfless, relentless and willing to risk everything for what they believe. Instead we have advocates that are relentless and willing to risk nothing of their own including their reputation.

for more An Unreasonable Man Reviews visit

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shameful self promotion

People use some pretty extreme ways to promote themselves and their businesses and make money. From selling the rights to their babies name, appearing in porn movies, making tee-shirts, and being a d-bag (Dustin Diamond is a tool), tattoos, and even a man getting breast implants.

Yes, money drives everything. Subsequently the man who got breast implants decided to keep them after the bet was over. Kinda odd, but whatever floats your boat.

But one of the things that frustrates me the most is spam. Who really reads emails named: "I have kidnapped your baby child" and wants you to visit a site for the pictures? Or anything having the word Viagra in it? Are people still dumb enough to be opening them to the point where it is worth the effort to make these emails and try to come up with ways of avoiding spam filters? Even if someone opens it, that doesn't mean they will click on a link. I have a hard time thinking that all of these people are there for malicious non-monitary means. So how are they all making money off of this? What dumb people are still out there sharing their credit card numbers with strange sites that tell them they will an Ipod if they give their bank account information?

That is my rant. Here is my shameful plug for my sites :P

small business contact manager

FilmCrave's New Movie Forum

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chrome vs. FireFox 3.0

Alright, I will admit it I am a FireFox fan, but I decided to give Google's new Chrome a shot. I expected something a bit more "new" but what I saw was an application that reminded me a lot of Safari, which is also a good browser.

Immediately I liked the layout of their tabs, it looked a bit cleaner and less blocky. I found that the "out of the box" settings are a big dumb. For instance, when you open a new tab it takes you to a page that shows you recent history instead of opening a page that you designate. If I wanted to view my recent history I would go to my history page or a bookmark, usually I want to see my iGoogle page.

I also like the "incognito mode" that keeps your browsing history private. The thing about this mode is the fact that Google has been under fire for how much information they normally track, so to me if I have to use their browser I am skeptical on how much more info they are tracking outside of this new "porn mode".

The one big flaw I saw was with it's url bar. FireFox 3.0's Awesome Bar is far superior. It does contextual searches for page titles and urls instead of just page titles. When I visited Filmcrave and then went to type in the url again. I typed in "crave" and it highligted -- I never even visited that site! I didn't like that at all. If I type in crave into Firefox 3.0, I get all sorts of Filmcrave related pages. Much nicer.

The final thing I looked at was memory consumption. Chrome appears to use less, but it is a bit deceiving because it opens up each tab as a new process while in the meantime the main process grows in size each time as well. From a fresh reboot I opened the same 4 websites. FireFox used 77mb total and Chrome used 91mb (all the processes combined). I am sure as you close your websites and it releases all of the memory that Chrome ends up using less on average, but overall it isn't that special.

In the end I was expecting Chrome to be something substantially different, and I found that it was basically a cross between Safari and IE8 due to be out this spring. Until then I am sticking with FireFox, which ironically is being funded by Google until 2011.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No sympathy for killers

Alright, this is one of my biggest political pet peeves. I read today that a man who killed two college girls is now saying he shouldn't be executed because he is too fat. His lawyer is pleading that the nurse will have a hard time finding a vein, making him unfit for death-row.

I always knew it cost more to kill a man than to keep him in prison for life because they appeal so much while on death-row. But I never realized the reasons for the appeal were so screwed up.

A person on death-row should not be afforded the same courtesy as a regular person. I will even take it a step further: there are basic human rights you give up when you show you are barely human. If you kill, rape or torture another human then you are no longer considered "human". What makes us human is not our appearance, it is what is in our hearts and minds. If you can't think or feel enough to prevent you from killing then I hope that nurse spends an hour sticking you with that needle, trying to find a vein, and maybe in that agonizing hour you will find your conciseness.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Gas Price Manipulation

It seems to me that with with the price of oil down 20% in the last couple of weeks that gas prices should have followed suit. However, what we are seeing is typical price manipulation where the price has only fallen 5% nationwide.

I have read that this is called "Rockets and Feathers" and has been the way oil and gas have worked for 20 years. The problem is the price at the pump is largely based on the price of oil in the future no today. So as prices drop, it will slowly reflect the price at the pump but you need a trend of a year of lower prices in order to have the full drop. The result is steady rising prices with no relief.

Some also say that when prices are on the incline people are more apt to price shop for gas, but when it is falling people fill-up and get there gas whenever and where ever they can making it less competitive for gas stations -- thus prices hold steady.

I don't have a solution, it just pisses me off.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2.5/4 stars)

While I don't regret going to this movie at all, I am hard pressed to find things I can actually say were really good. The movie uses the typical action/adventure formula with goofy sidekicks, witty dialog and obvious story line (think The Mummy). So with that said, Spielberg disappointed me. Fortunately for him, this formula still works decently and made for a film that I enjoyed overall.

There were a couple of scenes that ruined my enjoyment however. To me, I separate the supernatural from the natural and when something in a movie that is supernatural occurs I am willing to believe it for the movie's sake. But when something natural happens that just couldn't happen, I have trouble getting past it. For example, in this movie Indiana takes cover in a refrigerator at a nuclear test site right before it is blown to smithereens. He then flies over a mile in the air and drops down without a scratch. These type of things ruin movies for me because they are just way too unrealistic.

Another scene was when Shai's character turns into Tarzan and is one with the monkeys. Sure monkey's are cool but this whole scene could have been removed.

It wasn't all like that, most of the action was fun to watch and even sometime funny. Overall I wasn't expecting much and it exceeded my expectations, but I was still expecting more from Spielberg who I have been slowly loosing faith in as a Director that can do something new and unique.

Teeth (3/4 stars)

I expected this to be horrible, but it is actually a really good comedy. The idea of the movie is interesting enough, but the acting and dialog was just awkwardly funny. I laughed aloud throughout the whole film and even though it wasn't a great story and you could see what was going to happen a mile away, it didn't really hurt the movie.

If this movie knew the plot was retarded and they exploited it and there is nothing better than a movie that makes fun of itself. As a horror, it isn't really there, though it did make me cringe a few times.

If you don't take this too seriously, you will laugh your ass off.

More Teeth movie reviews

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rantings.... from Facebook to 2008 Election

Recently more than a few things have been pissing me off. What happened to all the things I used to enjoy. I used to like wasting time on Facebook, following politics, driving and knowing what size clothes I wear. Now I find that the simple things that I enjoyed are in jeopardy.


Facebook has gone all wrong, what used to be a nice clean interface that was easier to use than myspace, has gotten cluttered with application and friends feeds. I can't figure out what the heck is going on anymore. So I took some time off, when I logged back in I had 16 friend requesting me to partake in their applications. Some of them sounded interesting but did I really want to "turn on" the application to see what the heck it is? No! So I end up spending 90% of my time clicking the "ignore" button rather than chatting with my friends like it is designed for.


I always viewed myself as a die-hard democrat until recently. After the Obama v. Hillary race for the white house I have a bad taste in my mouth. The white house was the democrats for the taking, yet we find ourselves in April and they are still beating the crap out of each other. I realize they both really want the job, but for the sake of the American people, try to show that you can work together. The democrats can't get out of their own way, how the heck to they expect to win that way.

It has gone on long enough. From the wise words from the movie Zoolander: "I feel like I am taking crazy pills.” They are the same person, except one is black and one is a woman. Other than that they are going to do the same thing -- sit on their elitist chair and watch as America continues to try and please everyone, thus pleasing no one.

Gas Prices and Road Trips

My driving enjoyment has been hit of late. With prices around the $3.50 range I recently calculated how much it would cost me to drive home. It is a 1500 mile journey (each way) and my car is a Scion xB, so I figured I have done this many times before and it wasn't that bad. It is going to cost $350 bucks to get there and back. That is outrageous!

Clothing Sizes

Why is it that I go into one store and I can’t fit into the same sized cloths as another store? This is especially frustrating when I am buying jeans. For god sakes the jeans are measured by inches not by some arbitrary size that each brand has.

I would like to walk into a store and pick stuff off the shelf without trying it on and have it fit. Apparently this is too difficult and to achieve such clothing standards would make the world implode. Maybe I should just say “screw it” and wear nothing but sweats and XL tees from now on.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Comedy Site,

Ever wonder if Chuck Norris would kick Rambo's butt?

If so, Killercondom is a new site is for you. It will tackle the important match ups and pose some interesting questions.

Some match ups are:

Hillary vs. Obama

James Dalton vs. Johnny Castle

Snuggles vs. Poppin' Fresh

It will be updated weekly and is dedicated to matching up people and fictional characters.

Friday, April 4, 2008

World Trade Center (2/4 stars)

I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie, but I thought I was either going to love it or hate it. I can't honestly say I "hated it" but I was bored by it. I also couldn't help but think that if this movie wasn't about a real event that affected so many people around me that I would have probably turned it off.

The way Oliver Stone went about introducing the characters and their lives was ordinary and didn't every build anything up. They went into the building, they got trapped, they stayed their a while and they were rescued. The whole time I was hoping someone would rescue me from the movie.

If there was a silver lining with this movie, it was the emotional and heart-felt moments. I thought most of these were performed excellently by Maggie Gyllenhaal. Her performance was great.

I can’t see myself ever watching this movie again.

See more movie reviews and movie trailers

Monday, March 31, 2008

Million Fag March

Sunday, March 30th 2008 Topeka held the first "Million Fag March". It was a protest against Fred Phelps and his hate mongering church. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Phelps here is a very quick rundown:

•He is a racist

•He hates gay people

•He hates America

•He hates our soldiers

•He probably hates you

They get headlines by protesting funerals of our soldiers and more recently Heath Ledger. The million fag march was started from a friend's brother, Chris Love. He had gotten fed up with all this nonsense and wanted to put together a protest against them.

He gathered over 400 people from all sexualities and races and we marched around a park near their church. Freedom of speech is what protects their right to do what they do, and this protest was not trying to make them stop. It was simply a protest saying "these are the people you hate and there are more of us than of you."

For the local story about the march take a look at

For info about the organization and be kept up to date about the next event visit

Friday, March 21, 2008

Doomsday Movie, So horrible it almost made it awesome, but didn't (1/4 stars)

There were so many problems with this film. It was way, way, way over-the-top much in the same way Mad Max and Escape from NY was. Except with this film, I don't have the fond childhood memories that are the reasons I think those movies are so entertaining.

The plot was weak, but I am not going to knock it too much because of that. Because anyone going to watch this film isn't watching it for good acting or a plot. They are watching it for action and more action. As far as the action went, this film delivered as promised. So why such a low rating you may be asking?

My problem with the movie was there were so many things they could have done better. They have a country full of people who are trapped inside the walls yet no one on the outside has looked in close enough to realize there are people everywhere until 25 years goes by. Seems a bit shady. Also, people have become canibles after just that many years? I almost understood this part because they said they had no food, yet there were cows everywhere, why didn't they just eat the cows.

Another part of the movie where I was like "this is way too much" was when they entered a time warp. Basically, they travel a day north where instead of cities they have a castles, peasants, executioners and a gladiator pit. A bit far-fetched to me. Then to make matters worse they escape end up finding a beautiful 2008 Bentley in a fall out shelter. Miraculously, the car is in perfect running condition and they drive off charging a 25 year old cell phone that they use to call the motherland. So how is it that they can call out on an old cell phone with no towers yet the people that were trapped there were cut off entirely? It was things like this that urked me because they could have done so much better just leaving out a few things.

Even the car chase seen was dumb. The car crashes through a bus that blows up and it doesn't even have a scratch. Stupid. Escape from NY was much more believable which is why this film sucks so bad.

Don't waste your money unless you have drank a substantial amount first, then the movie may be quite funny.

To see the Doomsday Movie Trailer visit

Monday, February 25, 2008

Good Quote

"Europe and the US could turn out the lights today, and come 2030 or 2050 we would not have addressed the problem of climate change" Daniel Price, environmental and economics advisers to President Bush.

Though I believe the problem of global warming has to be addressed at home first to set an example, I do realize that no matter what we do we are tied to developing countries like India and China and they are going to impact the environment (good of bad) in a larger role than we are in the years to come.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rambo (4/4 stars) - The Best Rambo Yet :Rambo saves Burma

Girls beware, this is the ultimate guy movie. Not the guy movies that come out nowadays like "Transformers" but the traditional action-packed guy movies from the days of Steven Segal and well... Sylvester Stallone. The kind where the plot sucks but you can't turn it off because it is exciting to watch. Blood oozing, limbs flying, heads exploding awesomeness.

Rambo is not exactly known for its dialog, in depth plot or acting, which is why I love this movie. It didn't try to be something it is not. Stallone simple got huge (off of Human Growth Hormones) and kicked some ass.

Film critics will probably shoot holes in all the movie's flaws and the lack of dept, maybe the crappy acting, but to them I ask this "Would you say that to Rambo's face?"

I give this movie 4 stars because I do not want Rambo knocking down my door.

Check out the Rambo Movie Trailer

Sublime (3.5/4 stars)

I just stumbled across this movie at blockbuster, I didn't expect much, yet was very surprised at how good it was. Thomas Cavanagh who played 'George Grieves' was really good and the director Tony Krantz kept the mood creepy throughout. I actually felt sick to my stomach thinking about what George was going though and how helpless I would feel. Shanna Collins, who played the nurse Chloe, was also very good and convincingly had me intrigued.

Overall, I woudn't consider this a horror but more of a thriller. There were no scares and cheap thrills but instead a whole bunch of events that added to a sad mood that collectively made me cringe. This type of story has the ability to make a person question what is real and what isn't. More importantly this movie makes the horror stories that you hear on 60 minutes a reality.

This movie will stick with you a long time, 3.5 stars for a thrilling ride and a great ending.

Check out the Sublime Movie Trailer

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Best Rambo Yet - Rambo saves Burma (4/4 stars)

Girls beware, this is the ultimate guy movie. Not the guy movies that come out nowadays like "Transformers" but the traditional action-packed guy movies from the days of Steven Segal and well... Sylvester Stallone. The kind where the plot sucks but you can't turn it off because it is exciting to watch. Blood oozing, limbs flying, heads exploding awesomeness.

Rambo is not exactly known for its dialog, in depth plot or acting, which is why I love this movie. It didn't try to be something it is not. Stallone simple got huge (off of Human Growth Hormones) and kicked some ass.

Film critics will probably shoot holes in all the movie's flaws and the lack of dept, maybe the crappy acting, but to them I ask this "Would you say that to Rambo's face?"

I give this movie 4 stars because I do not want Rambo knocking down my door.

Check out other Rambo Reviews